
Kindergarten, Here We Come!

Preschool is soooo finished

May 26, 2011

My younger child graduated from preschool last week. And just like when the older one did the same two years ago, I had this mantra:

I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry!

And I didn't! Almost. Well, sorta. Not really. Ok, I did. But when you have a camcorder stuck in front of your face, no one can see cry. Really, it's a better accessory than a nice pair of sunglasses. And I really was happy. My daughter smiled and waved at me, sang songs, performed little plays, showed off her special preschool skill, and I almost didn't think about when she was a baby, when she'd hold on to my hair and make those cute little baby sounds. And then, I started to think about what she'd look like when she graduated from college (Stanford or MIT of course, because a mom can dream), and I started to get teary again.

So forgive me if I don't want to think about kindergarten quite yet.

I do want to say that St. Frances Cabrini Preschool and the teachers there do such a wonderful job with kids! It's amazing to see how confident these kids are as they show their families what they've learned during the past few years. What a difference from just a year ago!


  • This week's giveaway is for two Lego KidsFest tickets! Don't forget, it's coming up in June and kids everywhere will be clamoring for it! I just talked to my Macaroni Kid mentor up in Minneapolis, where Lego just held a KidsFest, and she told me that it's incredible. I can't wait!
  • Be sure to check out the summer camp listings. New camps are added each week! You can find something fun for the kids to do, no matter what their interests.