All of these costumes were found by scouring the Internet and then recreating them. All CAN be done by even a novice, and we have links that show just HOW to do it! You can be as elaborate or as simple as YOU want and what you have time for! It's all you to decide.
We're ready to knock your socks off with some creative, fairly cost-effective solutions to "WHAT CAN I BE FOR HALLOWEEN?"
If you missed it here it is for you to see. It's much better to see the costumes in motion. Just click the link below!
iPhone! This costume was pulled together in less than 15 minutes!
Black fabric straps and a 2 thick black boards are about the only thing you won't have on hand. I found an AWESOME site that has all of the icons already perfectly sized and ready for printing! Because it was going to be on TV, I did not laminate the icons BUT in case if rain for trick-or-treating, I would laminate because one drop of water can ruin these pictures. Click herefor the awesome inspiration for these costumes and to find the icons all ready for you!
Macaroni and Cheese: Click here to see the inspiration behind this costume! Since this was a last minute idea, we didn't have time to save enough toilet paper or paper towel rolls so we used pipe insulation instead! At a little over $1 for 6 foot section, this was a thrifty way to go! For the fork, we used foil tape because it was already sticky and seemed a bit stronger than regular tin foil but tin foil would work too!
The Aquarium: we used inspirations from a couple of sites for this one and then just winged it a bit. We also would have used the blue tinted cellophane if we were not going to be on camera. It was too shiny though for the studio lights. We added in some lights we bought at the Dollar Store and mounted them with Velcro for the under hood lighting. And he is carrying a tackle box for his candy collection.
Click here or here to see what we used.
Maria was our Under The Sea sweetheart! Her costume is made from a GARBAGE BAG AND CUPCAKE LINERS!
See our inspiration here!
Raincoat, boots and umbrella we had on hand. Dollar store kitty cats and puppies. Sewn onto the umbrella. HOW CLEVER! Click here to see our inspiration!