
CCBC Summer Camps

For all ages!

May 17, 2012
To Register, call 724-480-3575
For more details on camps, call 724-480-3451

Astronomy Camp CHLD07801 $129
3...2...1... Blast off!  Carnegie Science Center comes to Beaver County!  Create Martian soil, build a comet and a Hubble telescope, play planetary dodge ball, launch a rocket, and more!  You even can experience the night sky inside our blow up planetarium.  It's a star-studded camp you won't want to miss.  Ages 9-13.  12 Hours.  Mon.-Thurs., 7/23-7/26, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.  Health & Science Center, Room 6025.

Battle It Out - Collision Cars with LEGO® CHLD16001 $129
Students will use LEGO® kits to build a variety of battling machines. This is a class of exploration, problem solving, and risk-taking with a goal of learning and experimenting with how machines work and compete.  Concepts incorporated into camp include basic engineering principles, gearing and gear ratios, electric motors and energy, friction, forces, motion/ aerodynamics, and communication skills.  Ages 10-13.  12 Hours.  Mon.-Thurs., 6/25-6/28, 1-4 p.m.  Health & Science Center, Room 6025.

CCBC School of Wizardry & Magic $89 + $30 Lab
Join us for a week of whimsical wizardry and magic!  Conducted by the ultimate Pottermaniac, your week will take you to
enchanting heights as you engage in wand making, transfiguration games, alchemy activities, a game of Quidditch, a Horcrux Hunt, quizzical games, and many other magical surprises that will delight your senses and imagination.
15 Hours-1 Week.  Mon.-Fri., 6/18-6/22. Health & Science Center, Room 6025.
CHLD06701 Ages 6-9, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
CHLD06702 Ages 10-14, 1-4 p.m.

CSI: Pittsburgh CHLD16101 $129
We need your help to solve a crime because the Carnegie Science Center team can't do it alone!  Get a taste for what it's like to analyze fibers and match shoeprints as you become a real crime scene investigator.  You will use your amazing new skills to figure out a "whodunit."  Ages 8-13.  12 Hours.  Mon.-Thurs., 7/9-7/12, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.  Health & Science Center, Room 6025.

Deep Space Terraformers Robotics Adventure CHLD16801 $125 + $40 Lab
Climb on board the Space Shuttle Entropy, visit a few moons, and hone your terraforming skills. The adventure culminates on the planet Pantheon.  Robo campers help transform Pantheon into an environment where humanoids can live and thrive.  STEM education is a fundamental part of the Terraformers experience, expounding science, technology, engineering and math concepts in an engaging 'hands-on minds-on' environment. 12.5 Hours-1 Week.  Mon.-Fri., 8/6-8/10, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.  Science & Technology Center, Room 4023.

Fridays Are For Horsin' Around CHLD14801 $25 + $125 Lab
Saddle up for some fun while you learn how to ride a horse, garden, and work with small farm animals.  In this two Friday-session day camp, you will learn horsemanship, riding skills, greenhouse skills, and get a chance to explore nature.  Activities are supervised by trained staff and will help kids gain a sense of appreciation for healthy outdoor living and green activities.  Campers should bring a pair of pants (sunscreen and bug spray are recommended).  Students must bring a water bottle for both sessions and a bagged lunch on 7/13.  A pizza lunch will be provided on 7/20.  Space is limited to the first 10 campers registering.  A list of campers will be available to parents for car pooling.  Ages 8-17.  14 Hours-2 Weeks.  Glade Run Adventures, Beaver Rd., Zelienople.  Fri., 7/13 & 7/20, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Rev It Up - Junior Vehicle Engineering with LEGO® CHLD16201 $129
All About Learning is a leading provider of enrichment classes for grades 1-8.  We bridge the gap between learning and fun! Your students will use our customized LEGO® kits, learn engineering concepts, and practice 21st Century skills while they work with a partner to problem-solve.  Concepts incorporated into training include basic engineering principles, friction, forces, motion and aerodynamics, problem solving, and communication.  Ages 6-9.   12 Hours.  Mon.-Thurs., 6/25-6/28, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.  Health & Science Center, Room 6025.

Robotics Engineering CHLD15601 $125 + $40 Lab
Bring your Mindstorm NXT and learn how to program basic robot behaviors using motors and rotation, sound, light, touch and ultrasonic sensors.  Students start by learning basic robot building instructions, programming and movement then move on to working with sensors and more complex robot behaviors. In depth research projects cover key STEM concepts.  12.5 Hours-1 Week.  Mon.-Fri., 7/30-8/3, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Science & Technology Center, Room 4023.

Video Gaming & Story Telling in a 3D Virtual World Camp CHLD11701 $70 + $20 Lab
Using software developed by former CMU Professor, Randy Pausch (The Last Lecture), you will learn how to enter the world of computer gaming and storytelling.  Learn basic to intermediate computer science programming concepts while creating animated movies and simple video games using software.  Upon completion of this class, students will be given a t-shirt to show off their new skills.  Please provide requested size when registering.  Ages 11 and up.  12 Hours.  Mon.-Thurs., 6/25-6/28, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.  Science & Technology Center, Room 4002.