
Ezana Camps Where Kids Can

May 19, 2017

Ezana Christian camps are where kids can choose from seven (7) different hands-on, creative camps; make friends, contribute to the community, and  more. Check out the camp selections to discover which camp is best for your child or sign them up for more than one, the camps are that good! Ezana--Christ is King,  First Presbyterian Church, 1199 Third Ave., New Brighton, PA 15066.

Archery—Beginner to advanced, learn the sport of archery, have fun, and improve your shooting skills.
When: June 26-30 from 8:45 - noon. Ages 6-12, $30

Camping—Three half days, including an overnight camping adventure. Take hikes, set up a tent, use some camping equipment, and learn to enjoy and respect nature. 
When: Aug. 2-4 overnight is Aug. 3, ages 8-12, $30

Computer Coding 4 Kids--is a fun way for campers to learn and create age-appropriate interactive games or stories to share with others in the camp.
When: tentative Aug. 7-11, ages 7-12, $30

Cooking—closely supervised. Campers will learn to bake and cook different meals, as well as, enjoy eating them. Recipes to take home.
When: June 26-30, 8:45 - noon. Ages 8-12, $30

Indoor Sports—Have fun playing dodge ball, 4 squares, Gaga ball, and more. Come be a team player and have a great week.
When: July 24-28, 8:45 - noon. Ages 8-12, $30

Ninja Camp-- Martial arts camp to learn white belt techniques, simple self-defense, and some creative martial arts activities.
When: June 19-23, 8:45 - noon. Ages 7-12, $50

Sewing—Have fun sewing and creating. This Camp offers time to learn and practice basic sewing skills, as well as, create a project or two to take home
When: June 12-16, 8:45 - noon. Ages 8-12, $30

Woodworking—Discover basic woodworking tools, how to use them, and make a wood project to take home.
When: June 21-23, 8:45 - noon. Ages 8-12, $30

Sign up today! The first 50 campers to register receive a gift! Call 724-846-6144. Email at